{{tag>[centos installation]}} =====CentOS 7 - installation and configuration===== This page describes the installation of a CentOS 7 virtual machine. Using Qemu/KVM/Libvirt. ====Install CentOS 7==== ===Install script=== #!/bin/bash # Note: this script uses writeback cache, make sure host has UPS. VMNAME="vmname" VMMEM="1024" VMCPU="2" DEFBRIDGE="br50" IMAGEPOOL="/var/lib/libvirt/images" DISKSIZE="16G" IMAGEFILE="$IMAGEPOOL/$VMNAME.qcow2" if [ ! -f $IMAGEFILE ]; then /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $IMAGEFILE $DISKSIZE fi virt-install --connect qemu:///system \ --name $VMNAME \ --ram $VMMEM \ --vcpus $VMCPU \ --disk path=$IMAGEFILE,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=writeback \ --network bridge:$DEFBRIDGE \ --nographics \ --os-type=linux \ --os-variant=rhel7 \ --location=http://repo/centos/7/CentOS7-base/ \ --initrd-inject=/root/vmks-centos7.cfg \ --extra-args="ks=file:/vmks-centos7.cfg console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" \ --autostart ===Kickstart script=== install text skipx # Base repo url --url=http://repo/centos/7/CentOS7-base/ # Updates repo repo --name="updates" --baseurl=http://repo/centos/7/CentOS7-updates/ # Prevent the Setup Agent from running on first boot firstboot --disable lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --ipv6 auto --activate rootpw --iscrypted firewall --service=ssh authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 selinux --enforcing timezone Europe/Amsterdam --isUtc # Create non administrative user user --name=username --homedir=/home/username --password= --iscrypted ignoredisk --only-use=vda bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=vda --boot-drive=vda --append="crashkernel=auto console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" # Any disks whose formatting is unrecognized are initialized. zerombr # Erases all partitions from the system. clearpart --all --drives=vda --initlabel # Initialize boot partition. part /boot --fstype=xfs --fsoptions="defaults,noatime" --size=512 --asprimary # Create LVM pv and vg. part pv.01 --size=1000 --grow --asprimary volgroup vg pv.01 # Create lv's, set noatime and commit time. Leave some space left in the VG for later use. logvol swap --vgname=vg --size=512 --name=lv_swap --fstype=swap logvol / --vgname=vg --size=4096 --name=lv_root --fstype=xfs --fsoptions="defaults,noatime" logvol /var --vgname=vg --size=4096 --name=lv_var --fstype=xfs --fsoptions="defaults,noatime" logvol /home --vgname=vg --size=512 --name=lv_home --fstype=xfs --fsoptions="defaults,noatime" reboot %packages @base @core %end ====Configure CentOS7==== ===Hostname=== * Set hostname:hostnamectl set-hostname ===Configure static networking=== * Show connections: nmcli c show * Edit connection su - root nmcli c edit # set ipv4 address and gateway nmcli> set ipv4.addresses # set DNS nmcli> set ipv4.dns nmcli> set ipv4.dns-search yourdomain.com # set autoconnect nmcli> set connection.autoconnect yes # save and activate nmcli> save nmcli c up 'System p4p1' ===Configure timekeeping=== * Configure ntp servers in /etc/chrony.conf * Start Chrony:systemctl enable chronyd.service systemctl restart chronyd.service * Check Chrony status: chronyc sources * Check settings: timedatectl