Table of Contents

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Archlinux - Install using GPT, LVM and RAID1

Boot and remove old partitions, LVM and RAID config

Configure network

Create partitions

When replacing a failed disk of a RAID, the new disk has to be exactly the same size as the failed disk or bigger — otherwise the array recreation process will not work. Even hard drives of the same manufacturer and model can have small size differences. By leaving a little space at the end of the disk unallocated one can compensate for the size differences between drives, which makes choosing a replacement drive model easier. Therefore, it is good practice to leave about 100 MB of unallocated space at the end of the disk.

On a BIOS/GPT configuration a BIOS boot partition is required. GRUB embeds its core.img into this partition.

Create RAID1 array

Partition, create VG, LVs and format the filesystem device

Mount partitions

Start installation

Configure the system

Install boot loader

Make sure you have chrooted into the installed system before installing grub.


Post install