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Install VIO server

Boot from DVD

                       Welcome to the Virtual I/O Server.
                   boot image timestamp: 16:17:28 02/04/2013
                 The current time and date: 08:15:48 12/01/2013
        processor count: 1;  memory size: 1024MB;  kernel size: 29153194
boot device: /pci@800000020000200/pci1014,02BD@1/sata/disk@30000:\ppc\chrp\bootfile.exe

 ******* Please define the System Console. *******

Type a 1 and press Enter to use this terminal as the
  system console.
Pour definir ce terminal comme console systeme, appuyez
  sur 1 puis sur Entree.
Taste 1 und anschliessend die Eingabetaste druecken, um
  diese Datenstation als Systemkonsole zu verwenden.
Premere il tasto 1 ed Invio per usare questo terminal
  come console.
Escriba 1 y pulse Intro para utilizar esta terminal como
  consola del sistema.
Escriviu 1 1 i premeu Intro per utilitzar aquest
  terminal com a consola del sistema.
Digite um 1 e pressione Enter para utilizar este terminal
  como console do sistema.
  • Select 1 <enter>
 Licensed Internal Code - Property of IBM
 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 1994.
 All rights reserved.

 US Government Users Restricted Rights -
 Use, duplication or disclosure restricted
 by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

>>>  1 Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install.
     2 Entreu 2 i premeu Intro per veure la instal�laci� en catal�.
     3 Entrez 3 pour effectuer l'installation en fran?ais.
     4 F�r Installation in deutscher Sprache 4 eingeben
        und die Eingabetaste dr�cken.
     5 Immettere 5 e premere Invio per l'installazione in Italiano.
     6 Digite 6 e pressione Enter para usar Portugu�s na instala��o.
     7 Escriba 7 y pulse Intro para la instalaci�n en espa�ol.

    88  Help ?

>>> Choice [1]:
  • Press 1 <enter>
  • Press 1 (install with default settings)
  • When asked, insert volume 2 (of 2)

Configure VIO Server

  • Log in with user padmin
  • Change password
  • Accept terms
  • Accept license: license -accept
  • Configure network
 mktcpip -hostname fred -inetaddr -interface en0 -start -netmask -gateway -nsrvaddr -nsrvdomain 
  • Log in with http or https.
install_vio_server.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/09 15:14 by