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Puppet Professional - exam objectives


Identify Style Guide recommendations

to do…

Describe language features

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Identify the core resource types

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Demonstrate knowledge of classes and defines

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Describe how to use modules from the Forge

  • List installed modules:
    puppet module list --tree
  • Search modules:
    puppet module search nginx
  • Install module:
    puppet module install <module>
  • Install module to different environment:
    puppet module install saz-motd --environment test

Demonstrate knowledge of module structure

to do…

Identify module authoring best practices

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Using Puppet

Describe environments in Puppet

Environments are groups of puppet agents. Configured via directory or config file. Directory is easier and will replace config file environments.

  • Directory environments, per default enabled in v3.7.
  • Provides module path, main manifest and -config version- script.
create test environment
mv /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/manifests/site.pp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests

# edit puppet.conf
default_manifest = $confdir/manifests

cp -R /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/ /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/test

# check basemodulepath in puppet.conf includes: /opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules

Describe the life cycle of a Puppet run

  • Node sends data about its state (facts) to the puppet master (hostname, node name, os, virtual, etc.)
  • Puppet uses the facts to compile a catalog that specifies how the node should be configured. Sends the catalog to the agent.
  • Config changes (if necessary) are reported back to the master.
  • Puppet master aggregates reports and Puppet's API can also report to 3rd party tools.

Describe Puppet ecosystem component usage

to do…

Describe how to configure a Puppet master

Pre install

  • Meet the necessary system requirements.
  • Make sure DNS is working, configure A and PTR records, a puppet CNAME will also work.
  • Sync time with NTPd or Chronyd.
  • Open firewall ports 8140/tcp (puppet master), 443/tcp (web console), 61613/tcp (ActiveMQ MCollective). If you are using the web-based install, open port 3000/tcp during install.


  • Monolitic or split install.
  • Local or remote database.

Post install

  • Configure master server.
  • Install agents via OS repo or download package. Configure puppet.conf, enable puppet.service and start agent.
  • Sign agent certificates.
    puppet cert list
    puppet cert sign <name>
    puppet cert sign --all

Puppet Internals

Describe the purpose of types and providers

to do…

Describe Puppet’s use of SSL certificates

  • All client↔server traffic over HTTPS.
  • Uses its own CA per default.
  • Public / private keys to encrypt and sign.
  • List outstanding certificates:
    puppet cert list
  • List all certificates:
    puppet cert list --all
  • Sign certificate:
    puppet cert sign <NAME>


Describe classification

  • Using the PE console, the best practice architecture is to create environment groups and classification groups.
  • Classify via site.pp
  • Classify using Hiera.

Environment node group

  • Create groups for setting environment only (dev, test, accept), do not add classes to these groups.
  • Set environment override only in the environment node groups.
  • Create a rule to match agents to env. groups. You can use pinning, but rules are the most flexible way to assign nodes.

Classification node group

  • Create classification node group for example web-dev, web-prod, monitor, etc.
  • Create a rule to match agents to class. groups.


Describe Node Manager

  • Puppet Enterprise rule based node classification.
  • Dynamically assign nodes to groups:
    • Create node groups
    • Create rules to dynamically add and remove nodes from node groups
    • Assign classes to node groups

Describe RBAC

  • Role Based Access Control, manages permissions.
  • Can use external directories: LDAP, ActiveDirectory.
  • Manage roles and users via Enterprise Console “Access Control” tab.

Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot PE Console

to do…

Describe reporting capabilities in PE Console

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Describe the purpose of PuppetDB

  • Collects data generated by puppet.
    • most recent facts from every node.
    • most recent catalog from every node.
    • optionally event reports.
  • Exports resources. Can be used by other nodes. For example a backup module configures the client and also adds the backup agent definition to the backup server.

Demonstrate knowledge of Hiera

to do…

Describe the usage of MCollective

  • Log in as peadmin (cli).
    su - peadmin
  • Install, enable and start the MCollective agent on the client:
    yum install mcollective
  • Test connectivity:
    peadmin@puppet:~$ mco ping                time=51.06 ms
    ---- ping statistics ----
    1 replies max: 51.06 min: 51.06 avg: 51.06

Demonstrate knowledge of Facter

  • Facter collects facts about the current system.
  • Per default all facts will be returned.
  • Display single fact:
    $ facter netmask
  • Can be extended with scripts on the local system or on puppet master (Plugins in Modules)
  • A single script can return multiple facts.
    • Local executable system script example: /etc/facter/facts.d/testje:
      # create executable script:
      echo "key1=value1"
      # Then run the test:
      $ facter key1
  • Find bottlenecks with:
    facter --timing
  • Structured facts: hash or array.
puppet_professional_objectives.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/09 15:14 by